The Huffines Dental Excellence Team

The Huffines Dental Excellence Team
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What is LANAP?

LANAP, also known as Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure, is the newest and most comfortable way to treat severe periodontal disease. With around 50% of Americans being diagnosed as having periodontal disease this continues to be an extremely important health issue.
The average person will accumulate a a white soft material on their teeth called plaque. When this plaque is not cleaned off (by brushing) it will harden and become tarter. The tarter then harbors bacteria below the gums causing an infection and usually associated bone loss.
If you have ever been told that you need to have periodontal gum surgery you used to only have one option. The traditional cut and sew. Instead of cutting healthy tissue from other areas of the mouth, LANAP allows us to kill the bacteria and promote healthy tissue growth. The patient is in far less pain, experiences less bleeding and recovers practically over night.
Our office is dedicated to diagnosing and properly treating periodontal disease.

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